Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Clever marketing

Whist researching ways to market a current project,
I came accross this Think campaign.

Really clever, memorable marketing.

Monday, 11 April 2011

Anna Burns

Love how descretely the jewelry is placed
in each shot, innovative and unusual styling by
Anna Burns

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Free People. YUM

What is it about doing loads of work that makes you want to blog so much?! I suppose its the fact that spending days endlessly searching for an American brand you discover lots of intresting stuff you just have to share. anyway I already know Free People and before I realised it was completely wrong for my brief I did slowly start to love the brand. I actually dont think there is a shop similar to the UK maybe Im wrong because I dont know all the shops but theres something so seductive about the brand. I think its kind of Topshop meet bohemian and not everyone you see in the street is wearing it. Anyway here are a few on my newest favourites, there quite pricey but worth it. Also love the styling of the models in these photos.

Monday, 4 April 2011

bit of Banksy

Here's a few pieces of his work that 
Ive never seen before and thought were pretty impressive.

Friday, 1 April 2011

Custom Paper Nike's

Ive just found these paper shoes designs,
by illustrator David Brownings.

How cool are they.

and you can order a custom made pair 
on his website - http://www.davidbrownings.com/page6.htm