To crave my boredom on my four hour coach to London I bought a new magazine I had never seen before, Pigeons and Peacocks. Attracted by its nice quality paper and edgy imagery, I delved into the magazine and despite the fact it was £5 it was such a good purchase. Articles on "Northernism", up and coming designers and even a surprisingly interesting article on Postmodernism kept me entertained for my journey.
One article that I really enjoyed was on London College of Fashion student Natalie Rae and her printed fur designs. Inspired by Ryan Berkleys animal portraits, the fashion design student, translates fur through print as she finds the idea of fur "grotesque". Her designs are absolutely stunning, I love the way that she has taken the simple idea of the texture of fur and made it into a print. It looks amazing and I would convert from real fur to wear her work.
wow i love those "fur" designs! I will definitely have to invest in that magazine.. really nice photography too xx